Hi Everyone,
I recently developed these Colour Previewers to help Artist( see )colour before they commit to their work.
I recently developed these Colour Previewers to help Artist( see )colour before they commit to their work.
The set is made up of 12 colours in reds, blues ,yellows, oranges & grays that are graduated, transparent, waterproof.
Used with Transparent Semi/Transparent pigments for Watercolour,Oils, Acrylic.
Size 3"x 3" or 7.5 X 7.5cm.
Size 3"x 3" or 7.5 X 7.5cm.
The set of 12 colours is $29.00
Australia Dollars
P&H Australia/New Zealand $4.00 AUD
P&H International $6.00 AUD
To order go to my web site
The way they work you can paint one colour onto the surface when dry, choose another colour to go over it and you will see what hue that has become ,you can add the same colour in the next glaze or another colour to change the hue ,you can do this as many times as required until the value has been reached.
I'm sure every Aritst has wondered when coming to the end of a painting what another glaze will look like ,now you can just do that, without the worry of going too dark you can deepen glaze by glaze .Colour choises become easier as you have the luxury of seeing through the colour viewer what it will eventualy look like before you commit giving you a preview.
I have found this a great tool for working with on my paintings
I have found this a great tool for working with on my paintings
will match many artist palette hues. Having a selection of warm and cool colours of the Primary colours enable you to make many hues.
I use Schmincke and Winsor& Newton Artist quality Pigments,
Aureolin Yellow (cool)
Indian Yellow (warm)
Transucent orange (warm)
Ruby Red/Perm Rose (cool)
Scarlet Red (warm)
Alizarin Crimson (cool)
Purple Magenta (cool)
Thalo Blue (cool
Ultrmarine Blue finest ( warm)
Ultrmarine Blue finest ( warm)
Thalo Green bs ( cool)
Sap Green (warm)
Payne's Gray bluish (cool)
C copyrighted 2010 to http://www.marylkaart.com/
C copyrighted 2010 to http://www.marylkaart.com/